Sexy Farmer Joan

I know how to make all kinds of things grow


You lost Marie's number? Find it, idiot!


Babe...serial killer...babe...serial killer. Which one? I forget.


When's Othello coming home? "This week, next week" is not an acceptable answer


Hedy Lamar's daughter


Lady CEO offers lucrative merger with your company, if you marry her as part of it. Renegotiate or go for it?


If Waldo says yes, I say yes


I haven't heard that line since 2010

Elsa the Terrifying

Looks lions and tigers in the eye. You think she'll have a problem with you?

Dr. Halfbright

Discovered time-bending properties between love-making and neutrinos


Your personal secretary. How personal? You two work it out.


The spy everyone wishes he could come out of the cold with


She has an....uh...anatomical question for you.

Linda Montpelier

Could you please direct me to the whereabouts of the upper 1%?


Just got E=MC2

Speaks Her Mind

Date me, or risk offending the spirits

Ji-Hye, Korean girl struggling in snowstorm, underdressed for the weather. desperate to find entrance knocks at your door.


Can I take a hot bath with you?



SPANISH - I know many things, from the academic to the intimate. Go ahead, ask me! I dare you!

FRENCH is the language of love or diplomacy, if you would prefer. Ask me anything! Of course I bite! I'm French!

ITALIAN - Buon giorno, amore! Ask here for informative or intimate Italian

SWEDISH - We're not all about pancakes and Volvos. Say it in Swedish! Ask me!

HINDI - An expressive and elegant language. Hindi can put a man on the moon or take you there if you say it right. Ask me!

KOREAN - Original and phoneticized. I only date you if you score 90% on test.

RUSSIAN - We tell you truth in greatest language of all, Russian

APACHE, COMANCHE, AND NEZ PERCE - Original languages of the American continent. Custer never studied, and where did it get him? Phoneticized

GERMAN - I liebs ya baby. Talk to me about rocket science or love. Mach nichts. Original and phoneticized

CHINESE - It's a little tricky, so you'd better get started. I'll be with you, feeding you tea and oranges that come all the way from China

HAWAIIAN - When you come to the island, I hope we'll speak each other's language, if you get what I mean.

ARABIC - First the lesson, then the lamb's eyeballs