
Hurry and take the shot! It's Greenland, for crying out loud!


Hot Aunt Margaret

Every guy should have an Aunt Margaret. Trust me on this.



Blues singer. What do you mean, flat?  Flat this!


Ready for your beat-down? Apple pie after.



We make happy Ponia Ponia today?

Eun "the squeezer" Bin-dok

First. we milk the goats. Then, a roll in the kimchi.



What do you mean, Woodstock was 60 years ago?


Be nice. I can love you or kick the crap out of you. Both fun!



Proof that brains can be beautiful



Bring me borsht. You will be well-paid

Shaki Ponia

I bring SPECIAL greeting from the Tahitian Welcoming Committee

Suzie "Iditarod" Venga

Enough with the husky jokes already!


NASA- Intimacy Division



Hi-joon "Lips by Stradivarius" Grogan

Guest at the Oscars showed up stoned and kissed the Best Actress Awardee uninvited.

Dr. Malprattica

Your blood work came back. It's mostly red. World's dumbest doctor


I'm all yours if you're willing to move to the Yukon and travel by dog.

Rocket Roxy

Don't worry Ma'am. I can catch him

Lovey "The Moose" Anaku

Annyeong haseyo! I have some new holds for you!



So what do I have to do to pass this class?

Sally the Pilot

I flew all the way to France to have crepe Suzette. First one to get it for me wins it all. 

Sissy Thistlewaite

Fizziwig's daughter in A Christmas Carol has been hitting the yuletide punch.